Thursday, August 27, 2009

Congratulations Rachel & Blake!

A few weeks ago we met Rachel and Blake on the local city square for their engagement session. I knew from the beginning this was to be a special day, so relaxed with each other and with us. What a fun time we had!

A few days later we met Rachel, her mom, Dee, and the maid of honor, Ashley, near the church for a bridal session. Even though the beautiful bridge was a major thoroughfare for golf carts, we made some wonderful images there. After another location nearby, Ashley suggested a fire station. Blake is a paramedic and Rachel is a nurse so we all said, "Let's go!" The guys at the station couldn't have been any nicer moving the engine and ambulance for us and even turning on the lights!

Their beautiful wedding day began on the golf course for me. I caught up with Blake and his wedding party on the 8th hole and I took some action shots using our big sports lens. Since there was a shortage of golf carts I could only follow a few holes on foot, but it was fun. No visible signs of stress for these guys. In the meantime, Lisa photographed the hair and makeup sessions with the ladies at the hair salon.

The stained glass windows in the church filtered some lovely light for the ceremony.

Another wonderful day doing what we love, recording the first day of history in the lives of Rachel and Blake as husband and wife. May God Bless you! It was a great day and thank you for letting us be a part of it.

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