Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Swim Lessons for Riley

Two year old Riley had her second set of swim lessons last week. Lisa took her each night for a week and I tagged along this one fine day. I could not believe my eyes as the instructor pushed my little girl under the water to Lisa. What?

Even when she forgot to close her eyes and hold her breath she cleared the water with a smile. Our goal is to remove the fear of water early in her life. I learned to float at the Navy bootcamp in 5 minutes as the instructor yelled and screamed at me to float or get out. I could swim but I learned that you will tire and drown while treading water if you go overboard in the ocean. Floating is survival and this has helped me to enjoy all watersports since.
Her first lesson came last year at eleven months old and she cried and cried at those lessons. I can understand since the dunking under the water thing seems so unnatural. But this year she got it!

Saying her ABC's helped her to relax while learning to float. They also taught her to swim to the wall and "choo-choo" down the wall until her feet found the shallow steps.

What a spectical I must have been switching from the Nikon with the 80-200mm lens to a video camera. But what a time I had watching her and Lisa and now I can relive the moment through these pictures.

What Lisa and I also noticed was her confidence when we left with her strutting back to the car. She was big stuff now!

Already making plans for her next class, we deemed this a huge success! Thanks to Lisa for the great idea of swim lessons.


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