Sunday, June 28, 2009

The River of Life Youth Mission

No airplane ride, no buses, or trains, just a short drive in the car. No sleeping in a tent or hotel, but my own comfortable bed. I was photographing a mission trip for my church, Wesley Way UMC, this week in our own county.

Called "The River of Life Youth Mission," youth from all around came to lend a helping hand to the local citizens for a week.

Most of the Church classrooms were transformed into sleeping quarters. Local schools opened their gym showers and the breakfast and dinner meals served at the church by volunteers.

I was amazed at the work performance of the group especially since the temperature was well into the 90's each day. The leaders gave numerous water breaks. I never heard a complaint from anyone except maybe when I clicked a few photos of a few unsuspecting smiling faces.

Roofs were replaced, boards and siding repaired, yard cleanup and houses were given a fresh coat of paint. More than 15 homes were included in the mission project. Months of planning by a great number of volunteers proved to be a smooth operation.

What an impact to the community these youth made and I believe they will never be the same, taking a week of their summer vacation to help others in the hot June sun. "Blessed to be a blessing" is what Pastor Greg has taught us...and this week not in Honduras, South America, or some distant place but only a few miles from our homes.


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