Friday, March 20, 2009


Once again, I write this entry from our patio because it is Spring! The sounds of the birds combined with the splashing and gurgling of the garden pond waterfall makes a very relaxing place to work. If there is a negative to it, then it would be the urge to close my eyes and relax even more! Here is an early morning view from where I sit.

It is still a work in progress as I continue to add plants and flowers. All of the work throughout the winter will soon be awakening to a new life. I have forgotten where some of the bulbs were planted, so it's always a pleasant surprise to see them poke through the soil during my daily stroll. We usually see deer back here 3 or 4 days a week; in fact, we get many visitors such as rabbits, squirrels, turtles, cats, dogs, lizards, hawks, owls, many song birds, and even a lost pet goat one time.
Our photography bookings are increasing and I am very excited for what the future holds in store for us.
When is the last time you have had your portrait taken? Give us a call or email to schedule your session.

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